King Fortress
King Color
Regal Gold
Blue Torrent King
Card Characters
Suit Paintings 1
Lady Luck
Blue Queens
Suit Paintings 2
Royal Flush

Title: King Color Club / Date: 2008 / Digital Artwork
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Title: King Color Club / Date: 2008 / Digital Artwork
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi

Title: King Fortress Diamond / Date: 2008 / Digital Artwork
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Title: King Fortress Spade / Date: 2008 / Digital Artwork
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital Painting
Size: Digital JPEG File is 40"w x 32" h at 360 dpi
2019 Notes From Artists Dennis Eavenson And Sharon Eavenson On The King Color Collection
The King Color artworks further our thematic direction concerning human dominance behavior as related to the activity of
social card games. These pieces step into a new realm where we move away from the strict parameters of complete face
cards characters and only utilize portions of the icons. We further introduce symbols that represent the quantum world of
atoms and molecules. The molecular symbol in each composition is utilized to prompt questions about evolution of matter
and form. They are meant to open discussion about reality and human existence within the vast network space and time with
fractured multi-layered cubistic compositions.
A modern color sensibility exists to reinforce other worldliness. Planar zones and path like line elements with vanishing
points lead the eyes through a spatial maze that hints at the convergence of multiple timelines and singularities. These
pieces are moody and contemplative suggesting thought process and inner emotional states. Our kings have a ghost like
presence with light linework that feels like a photographic negative. Ideas about invisible realities with mental patterns and
stream of consciousness are prompted; as well as, thoughts concerning genetic information defining our daily behaviors.
The King Color artworks further our thematic direction concerning human dominance behavior as related to the activity of
social card games. These pieces step into a new realm where we move away from the strict parameters of complete face
cards characters and only utilize portions of the icons. We further introduce symbols that represent the quantum world of
atoms and molecules. The molecular symbol in each composition is utilized to prompt questions about evolution of matter
and form. They are meant to open discussion about reality and human existence within the vast network space and time with
fractured multi-layered cubistic compositions.
A modern color sensibility exists to reinforce other worldliness. Planar zones and path like line elements with vanishing
points lead the eyes through a spatial maze that hints at the convergence of multiple timelines and singularities. These
pieces are moody and contemplative suggesting thought process and inner emotional states. Our kings have a ghost like
presence with light linework that feels like a photographic negative. Ideas about invisible realities with mental patterns and
stream of consciousness are prompted; as well as, thoughts concerning genetic information defining our daily behaviors.
For Commissions, Licensing and other Inquiries Please Contact ArtistsVia Email: