King Fortress
King Color
Regal Gold
Blue Torrent King
Card Characters
Suit Paintings 1
Lady Luck
Blue Queens
Suit Paintings 2
Royal Flush

Title: Blue Queen Club / Date: 2007
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Title: Blue Queen Diamond / Date: 2007
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi

Title: Blue Queen Heart / Date: 2007
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Title: Blue Queen Spade / Date: 2007
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
Artist: Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Medium: New Media / Digital / JPEG is 32" w x 40" h 300 dpi
2019 Notes From Artists Dennis Eavenson And Sharon Eavenson On The Blue Queen Collection
We created queen face cards because they signify many important aspects of femininity revealed by political and social
systems down through the ages. Ancient cultures revered and even worshipped women for their fertility. Women have been
valued through the ages for wisdom and knowledge in areas of healing and herbal medicine. Dominant political and
social systems have often had majestic female rulers like Egypt's Cleopatra and England's Elizabeth I. The Holy Bible and
and other religions promote feminine worth with many valuable stories and lessons. With all this body of information, it is
clear that women's mental and physical attributes are vital to the success of any civilization for many reasons. Hence, we
created these pieces to open a dialogue concerning the female presence in successful political and social systems.
Physical and psychological aspects emerge from these artworks. Our queens are wrapped in voluminous blue brush strokes
that hint at their inner contemplative natures. Glowing folds of blue provide cave like spatial realms to symbolize the female
womb and it's hidden watery world where human life begins. Bold directional strokes wrap and contain the card aspects and
provide a nuturing feeling. Female characteristices are often seen heralds of home and stabilizing forces in warrior societies.
Each queen presents a unique flower to proclaim her life protecting position. Flowers symbolize spring, renewal and ideas
about rebirth, fertility and nuturing. The only queen bearing a weapon and shield is the spade. The spade is a symbol of a
military spear and in card games is often the dominant suit. Her position of military might and dominant status demands both
male and female characteristics and reveals her inner nature and political position.
We created queen face cards because they signify many important aspects of femininity revealed by political and social
systems down through the ages. Ancient cultures revered and even worshipped women for their fertility. Women have been
valued through the ages for wisdom and knowledge in areas of healing and herbal medicine. Dominant political and
social systems have often had majestic female rulers like Egypt's Cleopatra and England's Elizabeth I. The Holy Bible and
and other religions promote feminine worth with many valuable stories and lessons. With all this body of information, it is
clear that women's mental and physical attributes are vital to the success of any civilization for many reasons. Hence, we
created these pieces to open a dialogue concerning the female presence in successful political and social systems.
Physical and psychological aspects emerge from these artworks. Our queens are wrapped in voluminous blue brush strokes
that hint at their inner contemplative natures. Glowing folds of blue provide cave like spatial realms to symbolize the female
womb and it's hidden watery world where human life begins. Bold directional strokes wrap and contain the card aspects and
provide a nuturing feeling. Female characteristices are often seen heralds of home and stabilizing forces in warrior societies.
Each queen presents a unique flower to proclaim her life protecting position. Flowers symbolize spring, renewal and ideas
about rebirth, fertility and nuturing. The only queen bearing a weapon and shield is the spade. The spade is a symbol of a
military spear and in card games is often the dominant suit. Her position of military might and dominant status demands both
male and female characteristics and reveals her inner nature and political position.
For Commissions, Licensing and other Inquiries Please Contact ArtistsVia Email: