ARTIST STATEMENTS 2 By Dennis Eavenson and Sharon Eavenson
Ideas On The Creative Process
Creative exploration provides us with the fuel for inner growth and development. We find the basis for artistic direction by
delving into our personal inner realms. The works we produce are filled with our individual reactions to the spiritual and
concrete realities of the physical universe. Art is an expressive outlet and a means for sharing with other humans our
sensory, emotional and intellectual reactions to the world.
Our use of diverse mediums like painting, sculpture, photography or drawing provides the launch pads for communicating
unique ideas about physical and spiritual theories. Mediums and styles change to reflect all the diverse viewpoints and
varied influences from media and different cultures. In this manner we find enlightenment and seek to share it with others.
For us the act of creation is passionate, liberating, labored and joyful. We compare our artistic processes to birth, a catharsis
or an epiphany.
Art shapes and defines our individual life journey together. Our mission is to communicate our viewpoints and inspire a
passion for visual exploration in others, so that they can also see and experience the world in unexpected ways. We attempt
to open doors for intellectual, emotional and spiritual awakenings. This thematic element of doors or doorways is found in
many of our artistic compositions including our Crossover series and the House Cross pieces.
Symbolism And Abstraction In Playing Card Works
Game playing has been a vital aspect of human development since ancient times. Playing cards entered the historical
stage with China during the Tang Dynasty and spread to Persia and Egypt where the concept of face cards emerged.
Spreading to Europe by 1377 AD, most card decks contained 52-cards with four suit symbols, 12 cards per suit and 3 court
or face cards. The king, queen and knight were formulated and continue to be reflective of a ruling class. Card games were
designed to entertain and hone basic survival instincts with concepts like dominance and cooperation. We still play card
games today and most of us have experienced the intellectual and competitive excitement of playing games like Poker,
Spades or Bridge.
Our card based artworks combine representational symbolic elements with abstract expressionistic grounds to open a
dialogue about the psychological and survival behaviors reflected by card games. These compositions contain a distinct
push and pull between what is emotionally felt from painterly marks and what is logically considered from symbolic content.
The juxtaposition of symbolic reference with emotional aspects taps into the artistic essence of these sociopolitical artworks
to reveal individual and group concerns with regard to culture, science, religion and philosophy. These games mirror real life
activities and reveal tactics that shape and bind human directions.
All our face card designs are completely unique and only exist in these pieces. When designing these card characters we
reflected on past card designs from different eras. We choose to utilize some of the established visual cues so that others
could easily identify and understand the works. Specific details within the design of each face card character and costume
provide clues for the viewer concerning social, cultural and political platforms. Even the definite assertion of human age in
each facial portrait sets the stage for revealing attitudes about success and survival. These artworks create strong
psychological moods and statements for the art viewer to ponder.
Science, The Universe And Art
A recurring theme in both our past and current works is the exploration of the known scientific world with its visual
structures. Thoughts about physical energies with their underlying forces are considered. We examine theoretical data about
our universe and address interests to formulated many artworks. The process of visual creation then becomes a type of
visual science where we formulating our paradigm vision of how the universe is structured. Like scientists, we analyze and
offer conceptual models to the world to engage the viewer in visual conjecture. As physical scientists continue to redefine
existing theories on time, space and matter, so too do we restructure our artistic compositions with visual symbols that
reflect the natural evolution of human knowledge and our existence within the known universe.